Waste Management
Everyday we throw out food, not realizing the impact it is having on the environment. In South Africa, we waste 10 million tonnes of food every year.
Reducing Harmful Gasses
Piles of rotting food in the landfills causes methane gas in the air, which is 20 times more harmful to the environment than carbon di-oxide.
Food Security through nutritious composting
We dispose of all waste sustainably by minimizing environmental impact. Our organic composting helps farmers get nutrients back into the soil.
What we do
GreenBinSA is a sustainable business model for the Greymont Reading Centre which Sumitra Nydoo founded in 2014. 10% of all client sign ups with GreenBinSA goes towards the learning centre whose efforts are dedicated to early childhood development through literacy and academic support.
Most people don’t have the time or capacity to sort through their rubbish. Many also don’t want to store it or compost it. We are taking this entire process off your hands and helping you to get rid of waste in an environmentally and sustainable way. We provide green solutions to both Commercial and Residential customers. Our services include:
- The pick-up of food waste
- Providing clean bins
- Storing of food waste
- The treatment of food waste
- Scheduling and monitoring of anaerobic processes
- Composting food waste

Green Bin is a 100% black owned South African company. We are an ethical, and socially responsible company passionate about the planet, uplifting communities and educating others to take an active role in preserving our natural resources.
How it Works
Our clients - Greenbinners making a difference:
The easiest way to reduce your carbon footprint and save the earth! Greenbin it and we will compost it. We use special bins and microbial activators to break down the food waste and slowly convert it into organic compost.
We run a quick assessment of your lifestyle, yes…. because there’s waste in everything we do and consume. We rummage through your bin & show you how Greenbin works. Professional audits are available for Restaurants and commercial enterprises.GREENBIN IT!
We supply you with your first Greenbin and you’re good to go. Fill your bin with veggie scraps, old food and cooked leftovers. Place your Greenbin in a Fridge or Freezer until pickup day. We provide you with the list of everything that can go safely into your bin to be composted.WE COLLECT
Schedule a pick up, daily, weekly or monthly. We will handle the rest. Leave your Greenbin outside for pick-up (on your selected day) and you will receive a clean Greenbin at each pick-up.WE COMPOST
We put all your food waste through an organic process to break it down and turn into compost. This compost is provided to local farmers and consumers, thus putting nutrients back into their soil.Get Started
Every single one of us has a carbon footprint, which means we each have a responsibility to reduce our carbon emissions. Whether you are a homeowner, chef, restaurant owner, eco-conscious kid, business owner, hospital or school tuckshop we need everyone to do their bit to save the planet. With Greenbin we make it so easy!

Easy Residential Collections

Restaurants & Coffee Shops

Business & Community

What to put into your Greenbin:
Place in Fridge or Freezer daily. Leave outside for pick-up (on your selected day).
Ten Million+ tonnes of food wasted in SA each year
% of plates in restaurants go back to the kitchen with leftovers.
Kilograms of food waste is generated by the average South African annually. (1/3 of the food we buy).
% more harmful. Methane gas from rotting food is 20% more harmful to the environment than Carbon di-oxide.
Contact Us
062 292 1675
Composting Process

We follow a careful process called Bokashi Composting to make our organic compost. We put your food which is packed with valuable nutrients, back into the earth. This highly nutritious compost is provided to South African farmers who need it to replenish their soil.
More about Bokashi composting
Client Testimonials